Here are the top primary schools in Hobart, TAS based on our research. Please note that our data is subject is changed but we will endeavor to make the data as accurate as possible.
Order | School | Total Enrolments | Sector | Score |
1 | Princes Street Primary School | 350 | Government | 98 |
2 | Fahan School | 400 | Non-government | 98 |
3 | Taroona Primary School | 330 | Government | 97.5 |
4 | South Hobart Primary School | 500 | Government | 97.5 |
5 | Waimea Heights Primary School | 390 | Government | 97.5 |
6 | St Michael’s Collegiate School | 700 | Non-government | 97 |
7 | Albuera Street Primary School | 240 | Government | 97 |
8 | The Hutchins School | 1020 | Non-government | 97 |
9 | Mount Nelson Primary School | 270 | Government | 96.5 |
10 | Lansdowne Crescent Primary School | 430 | Government | 96.5 |
11 | The Friends’ School | 1220 | Non-government | 96.5 |
12 | Mount Stuart Primary School | 350 | Government | 96 |
13 | Goulburn Street Primary School | 240 | Government | 95 |
14 | Calvin Christian School | 560 | Non-government | 92 |
15 | Illawarra Primary School | 430 | Government | 92 |
16 | Montagu Bay Primary School | 330 | Government | 91 |
17 | Lenah Valley Primary School | 560 | Government | 90 |
18 | Channel Christian School | 130 | Non-government | 89.5 |
19 | Mount Carmel College | 540 | Non-government | 87 |
20 | Southern Christian College | 380 | Non-government | 85.5 |
21 | Howrah Primary School | 670 | Government | 85 |
22 | Lindisfarne Primary School | 370 | Government | 84 |
23 | St Mary’s College | 880 | Non-government | 84 |
24 | Campbell Street Primary School | 210 | Government | 81.5 |
25 | Sacred Heart College | 920 | Non-government | 76.5 |
26 | Blackmans Bay Primary School | 280 | Government | 76.5 |
27 | St Aloysius Catholic College | 1100 | Non-government | 76.5 |
28 | Richmond Primary School | 200 | Government | 74 |
29 | Dominic College | 930 | Government | 74 |
30 | Snug Primary School | 370 | Government | 71 |
31 | OneSchool Global | 120 | Non-government | 65 |
The primary school ranking data for Hobart provides valuable insights for parents looking to make informed decisions about their child’s education. The analysis of the data reveals the following key points:
- The top-performing schools include both government and non-government schools, with Princes Street Primary School and Fahan School securing the highest scores of 98 each.
- Non-government schools like St Michael’s Collegiate School, The Hutchins School, and The Friends’ School also achieved high scores, indicating their strong performance.
Government schools show a wide range of scores, with some schools performing exceptionally well (e.g., Princes Street Primary School) while others have relatively lower scores. - Non-government schools have a more diverse range of enrollments, with both smaller and larger student populations compared to government schools.
How to choose primary school for your kids in Hobart?
While academic performance is crucial, parents should also consider other factors such as the school’s curriculum, teaching approach, extracurricular activities, facilities, and the overall fit for their child’s individual needs and interests.
Visiting the schools, meeting with teachers and administrators, and seeking feedback from current parents or students can provide further insights into the schools’ suitability. It is important to remember that every child is unique, and selecting a school that aligns with their specific requirements is paramount.
By utilizing the primary school ranking data and considering the holistic aspects of each school, parents can make well-informed decisions to provide their child with a quality primary education in Hobart.
- MySchool:
- TAS education department: