High School Ranking Hobart 2024 ❤️

Here are the top high schools in Hobart, TAS based on our research. Please note that our data is subject is changed but we will endeavor to make the data as accurate as possible.

OrderSchoolTotal EnrolmentsSectorScore
1The Friends’ School1220Non-government98
2Fahan School400Non-government97.5
3St Michael’s Collegiate School700Non-government96.5
4Tarremah Steiner School230Non-government96.5
5The Hutchins School1020Non-government96.5
6Taroona High School1170Government96
7Calvin Christian School560Non-government90.5
8Mount Carmel College540Non-government87
9Southern Christian College380Non-government86.5
10St Mary’s College880Non-government86
11MacKillop Catholic College640Non-government79
12Clarence High School650Government74
13Dominic College930Government74
14OneSchool Global120Non-government69

Government Schools:

  • Taroona High School, Clarence High School, Dominic College: These government schools have scores ranging from 74 to 96, with Taroona High School having the highest score of 96. These schools have a total enrolment ranging from 650 to 1170 students.

Non-Government Schools:

  • The Friends’ School, Fahan School, St Michael’s Collegiate School, Tarremah Steiner School, The Hutchins School: These non-government schools have scores ranging from 96.5 to 98, with The Friends’ School having the highest score of 98. They have a total enrolment ranging from 230 to 1220 students.
  • Calvin Christian School, Mount Carmel College, Southern Christian College, St Mary’s College, MacKillop Catholic College, OneSchool Global: These non-government schools have scores ranging from 69 to 90.5. They have a total enrolment ranging from 120 to 880 students.

Based on the provided data, non-government schools generally have higher scores compared to government schools. The top-performing schools in terms of scores are all non-government schools. However, it’s important to note that enrolment sizes vary, with some non-government schools having smaller student populations compared to government schools.

How to choose high school for your kids in Hobart?

While academic performance is crucial, parents should also consider other factors such as the school’s curriculum, teaching approach, extracurricular activities, facilities, and the overall fit for their child’s individual needs and interests.

Visiting the schools, meeting with teachers and administrators, and seeking feedback from current parents or students can provide further insights into the schools’ suitability. It is important to remember that every child is unique, and selecting a school that aligns with their specific requirements is paramount.

By utilizing the high school ranking data and considering the holistic aspects of each school, parents can make well-informed decisions to provide their child with a quality high school education in Hobart.




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