High School Ranking Adelaide 2024 ❤️

Here are the top high schools in Adelaide, South Australia based on our research.

The top 5 schools are St Peter’s Collegiate Girls School, Glenunga International High School, The Hills Montessori School, Walford Anglican School for Girls, and Wilderness School, which have scores ranging from 98.5 to 97.5. The lowest-scoring school is Tyndale Christian School with a score of 76.

RankSchoolTotal EnrolmentsLocalitySectorScore
1St Peter’s Collegiate Girls School760Stonyfell,SA,5066Non-government98.5
2Glenunga International High School1850Glenunga,SA,5064Government98
3The Hills Montessori School170Aldgate,SA,5154Non-government97.5
4Walford Anglican School for Girls500Hyde Park,SA,5061Non-government97.5
5Wilderness School840Medindie,SA,5081Non-government97.5
6Pembroke School1650Kensington Park,SA,5068Non-government97.5
7St Peter’s College1480St Peters,SA,5069Non-government97.5
8St Ignatius College1380Athelstone,SA,5076Non-government97
9St John’s Grammar School820Belair,SA,5052Non-government97
10Emmaus Christian College870South Plympton,SA,5038Non-government96.5
11Immanuel College1020Novar Gardens,SA,5040Non-government96.5
12Prince Alfred College1140Kent Town,SA,5067Non-government96.5
13Pulteney Grammar School890Adelaide,SA,5000Non-government96.5
14Seymour College750Glen Osmond,SA,5064Non-government96.5
15Loreto College550Marryatville,SA,5068Non-government96
16Marryatville High School1400Marryatville,SA,5068Government95.5
17Southern Montessori School210O’Sullivan Beach,SA,5166Non-government95.5
18Concordia College1230Highgate,SA,5063Non-government95.5
19King’s Baptist Grammar School1120Wynn Vale,SA,5127Non-government95
20Westminster School1110Marion,SA,5043Non-government95
21Scotch College1130Torrens Park,SA,5062Non-government94.5
22Mercedes College1170Springfield,SA,5062Non-government94
23Pedare Christian College1040Golden Grove,SA,5125Non-government93.5
24Adelaide Botanic High School750Adelaide SA 5000,SA,5000Government93.5
25St Dominic’s Priory College670North Adelaide,SA,5006Non-government93
26Mitcham Girls High School790Kingswood,SA,5062Government91
27Willunga Waldorf School360Willunga,SA,5172Non-government91
28Adelaide High School1500Adelaide,SA,5000Government91
29Sunrise Christian School240Marion,SA,5043Non-government90.5
30St Aloysius College1190Adelaide,SA,5000Non-government90.5
31Torrens Valley Christian School600Hope Valley,SA,5090Non-government90
32Cedar College860Northgate,SA,5085Non-government89.5
33Woodcroft College1440Morphett Vale,SA,5162Non-government89.5
34Unley High School1260Netherby,SA,5062Government89
35Brighton Secondary School1530North Brighton,SA,5048Government87
36Blackwood High School990Eden Hills,SA,5050Government86.5
37Heritage College390Oakden,SA,5086Non-government86
38Endeavour College760Mawson Lakes,SA,5095Non-government85.5
39Heathfield High School860Heathfield,SA,5153Government85.5
40Norwood Morialta High School1410Magill,SA,5072Government85
41Portside Christian College640New Port,SA,5015Non-government83.5
42Southern Vales Christian College530Morphett Vale,SA,5162Non-government83
43Trinity College830Evanston South,SA,5116Non-government82
44Pinnacle College730Elizabeth East,SA,5112Non-government80.5
45Tyndale Christian School1460Salisbury East,SA,5109Non-government76
46IQRA College360O’Halloran Hill,SA,5158Non-government75
47OneSchool Global90Aberfoyle Park,SA,5159Non-government72.5

From the data above you can see:

  • Government vs. non-government sector: Of the top ten high schools, seven are non-government and three are government. Based on this ranking, non-government schools generally outperform government schools in South Australia.
  • Total enrollment: The top-ranked schools have total enrollments ranging from 170 to 1850 students. This demonstrates that high school rankings are not always determined by the size of the school.
  • Locality: Schools from all over South Australia are represented in the top rankings, including Stonyfell, Glenunga, Adelaide, Marryatville, and Norwood Morialta, indicating that there is no clear pattern in terms of location.
  • Score range: The high schools in this ranking have a score range of 76-98.5, with an average score of 91.6. This indicates that the scores vary greatly, with some schools performing significantly better than others.

How to choose high school for your kids in Adelaide?

Rankings of schools can depend on various factors and may not accurately reflect the quality of education at a particular school. It’s important to consider factors such as location, facilities, teaching quality, and student-teacher ratio when choosing a school. You may want to consider researching schools in your area and visiting them to see if they are a good fit for your child’s needs.




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